Spencer Scott Travel

Trail Riding Adventures

The Rockies

Riding wild

Our trail riding holidays offer challenging rides in remote wilderness areas and a genuine back-to-nature experience.You will be living 24 hours a day with your horses and all the wonders of the great outdoors but with minimum luxuries. You may be staying in traditional Maori Meeting Houses, station woolsheds, mountain huts, farmhouses, tents, and occasionally it’ll be a ‘swag’ under the open skies. It will be back to basics and hot bucket showers and meals cooked over an open fire. Supplies will be carried by a team of packhorses and whilst everything will be done for you, a team spirit and willingness to help with camp chores and corralling the horses is fun and will be encouraged.


These are extreme adventures and only suitable for experienced and adventurous riders.We only use horses that are well cared for and breeds suitable for the local terrain. The outfitters have to be of the highest calibre and safety levels have to be maintained.Our riding guide will accompany you throughout overseeing all the arrangements and ensuring that the pace and rides are suitable for you.

Ultimate adventures

Imagine heading off into deepest Wyoming for five fantastic days of wilderness riding in the land of notorious outlaws and cowboys, moose, antelope, coyotes, golden eagles and grizzlies. It is a challenging 22-mile ride (9 hours in the saddle) to reach our camp in Bliss Creek Meadow.There will be plenty of thrills and excitement- you’ll be riding high over mountain passes, riding fast through alpine meadows, wading across rivers and scrambling over rocky terrain. The western saddle will prove its worth in comfort, as will the sure-footed, hardy and reliable Mustangs, Thoroughbreds, Standardbreds, Quarter Horses, Missouri Fox Trotters and Appaloosas for their suitability on this challenging terrain. Or how about riding with the Maoris and from the mountains to the sea in New Zealand?It starts on the North Island with five days trail riding in the Te Urewera Wilderness – home of the Tuhoe Maoris and ‘Children of the Mist’.You follow the course of the Whakatane River, riding along the riverbed, over vast tracts of virgin bush and through lush forests. Then it’s off to the South Island for an eight-day riding adventure from the mountains of the Southern Alps down to the Pacific Ocean, amongst working sheep stations and over mountain ranges, across semi-arid plains and crossing many rivers.Your horses will be 15 – 17 hands hunter types and New Zealand thoroughbred/Clydesdale cross. Australian stock saddles will be used and most days you’ll be in the saddle for 6 – 8 hours! We are trusted for our meticulous organisation, the personal service and value for money we provide. However remote the destination and challenging the environment, you can relax knowing that everything will be organised for you, that you will be well cared for and that there is full professional back-up support, with a team on the ground and back at our head office. Everything is included and we do not cut corners.

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