Spencer Scott Travel

Why we provide a travel escort, as well as the expert host, on all our trips

There are many reasons why it has always been the Company’s policy from its inception to provide a travel escort from the UK, as well as the expert host, on all our trips.   This added service may seem superfluous and in fact it should because the travel escort will be quietly doing their job in the background. It is only in an emergency when they need to take a more prominent role, that it becomes obvious how invaluable they are.

Vietnam 2017

It is so important to have someone from the Company with you throughout because:

  1. They meet you at the airport and introduce you to your travelling companions and the expert host, and assist with your check-in if required.
  2. They can quickly resolve any problems you may have with your holiday at the time i.e. room changes, diets
  3. They can adapt and change the day to day details to better suit your preferences and the weather conditions or in the case of cancelled flights or road closures or vehicle breakdowns
  4. They ensure that local service providers deliver the best job possible and that everything runs as smoothly as possible
  5. They are on hand to deal with guest who is not feeling well or has had an accident or if there is an emergency
  6. They can liaise with head office if major changes are necessary or in an emergency

Masai Mara 2017

The many added benefits of providing a travel escort are not always obvious but include:

  1. Having an experienced travel escort on hand to cover these all important risk management elements means that the expert host is never diverted from his/her role to deal with such matters and your holiday can continue as planned
  2. The travel escort is there to co-host the trip with the expert and to make sure everyone feels part of a small family and no-one feels left out and everyone is aware of meet up and meal times and venues
  3. They are on hand to manage expectations and help everyone to have the best possible experience and a wonderful holiday to remember
  4. They are there to support the expert host and run any errands for them and you all
  5. They try to make sure they know where every guest is at any given time (particular painters)

Venice 2014

My role is to listen and to communicate effectively with our guests and ensure they receive the best personal service that I can give.  I arrange the best restaurants and help with ordering dishes, food allergies etc.  I make sure that guests are always included and have access to myself and the expert host.  I work quietly in the background with the expert host and make sure everyone knows what is happening, where and when.  I do everything possible to make the trip an amazing experience and that we have lots of fun.’ Jacqueline Woods, travel escort

Zimbabwe 2014

Cutting costs and taking risks is not something we do or would advocate.

As a Company we are responsible for our guests and want to take the best possible care of them and make sure they are safe and happy. We believe this can only be properly done with experienced personnel from our Company accompanying you and that is not fair to rely on the expert host or wise to expect local guides to fulfil this vital role.   It is better to be safe than sorry. Cutting costs and taking risks is not something we do or would advocate.

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